"The best of portraits celebrate the moment." - JM


The world's finest watercolor pigments saturate
brilliant white, rough 300#, archival paper,
these confident paintings display Maxwell's 
appreciation of cultured, respected personalities.

At ease with themselves and comfortable in
their surroundings, these people's portraits
engage you. They reflect a vital relationship
with the viewer; people giving of themselves.

There is a long standing tradition in commissioning
a portrait. Time: the introduction (each ones first
impression)- to understand how that person moves,
acts, how their image fits with their identity.
Where the painting is to be viewed, where is it to
be displayed. Its ultimate purpose.

(We do not speak of vanity.)

The process cannot be rushed, the painting may take
up to three weeks, but getting to the point of
starting, that process, up to three months.

The price of an unframed finished portrait start at
$2500. Depending upon the agreed complexity of the
proposed drawing, the price may be more, as in
portraits of couples or families.

This is basic for a Maxwell watercolor portrait,
22 X 33 inches, with drawings, and the photographs.

Fine Arts

South Pacific




Portrait #1

Portrait #2

Portrait #3

Portrait #4

Portrait #5




